Monday 7 March 2011

Preliminary Excercise

Before we began planning and producing the film opening, we carried out a preliminary exercise that had to include three camera rules. These rules were match on action shot, reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.
We had a task that we had to follow, this included someone walking through a door and sitting down opposite another person. The two characters then had to have a short conversation. We also included other shots such as over the shoulder shots, close ups, medium shots and long shots.

Above is our preliminary exercise video. Danielle Short and Holly Whitaker were the two actors and Lucy Warriner filmed. We all put ideas towards the script, camera shots and the editing. We chose to film using natural light to make the scene look as real as possible, we chose not to film in low key lighting as although it would have created the mood of the scene it would have prevented us from being able to use some camera angles as they would not have been clear.


We used iMovie to edit our video and to put the sound effects on. We cut some scenes out that were the wrong camera angles or when a character said the wrong lines, we also cut some scenes that were too long to make it flow more. The sound effects we added were to add tension at the end of the video.
We also changed the lighting to make the video darker as we found it was too bright, to do this we made the contrast higher and the lighting lower.

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